
Sunday, 9 October 2011


Baru abes day trip to london to say goodbye to a dearest friend... All the best dan halal kan makan minum aku... Waa.. walaupun jarang berjumpa.. tapi bila berpisah.. perasaan sedih tu tetap ade... perjuangan mu telah selesai.. kini giliran aku untuk teruskan pulak.. Thanks for introducing Tinseltown kt London.. so now ade reason baru untuk turun London walaupun dirimu telah tiada..

Habis penat di London.. terus balik Bristol for the meteor storm nyer event.. Sayangnya cuaca hujan dan mendung.. Sorry you guys.. especially the freshy.. sebab tak dapat tengok meteor n kalo aku layan korg macam tak nak layan jer.. (penat ar hari nie n emosi tak stabil sangat).. biasa r bile ade membe balik n dah abes study.. terasa la kan..

Somehow, thanks for being there tonight too.. At least ade yang datang menggantikan yang telah pergi.. Harap-harap I wont destroy anything or jeopardise it in the future..

Badan dah penat giler tapi tak rasa ngantuk lagi nie.. something felt missing and it is wrong somewhere.. Adakah sebab perasaan risau or because you already know the truth.. Adoi... Knowing to much is not good.. Especially if you know too much about people.. Zamir stop the flowing of people information in your brain.. Nothing good would come from it.. You're just going to manipulate the situation and make it worse..

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