Aku pasti ini antara perasaan yang aku rasakan.. The hardship, the hardwork.. The happiness and the sadness that been encoutered in these years.. more than 20 years made us who we are.. I'm sorry I've been doubtful lately on your capability and versatility... and yet you remain calm and strong.. and the best part, you never let the tides push our dream further and further away from us..
Tiba-tiba aku la pulak rasa the bad guy kan.. I know people made mistakes but only fools repeated it.. Maka kali ini aku kene lebih berhati-hati dan berusaha untuk tak mengulangi kesilapan aku.. Learn from the mistakes.. That distinguish us between success and failure..
Thanks for the heads up bro.. InsyaAllah akan aku siapkan benda alah tu secepat mungkin..
assalamualaikum zamir..cmne nak contact ko skrg..lama xdgr khabar..
Wa'alaikumussalam Rahimah..
Erm kalau nak ikutkan.. buat masa sekarang tru email je kowt.. Either zamir04435@gmail.com or zamir_04435@yahoo.com
Sorry kalau hilangnya aku dari FB dulu buat ko susah nak contact aku balik.. Ada je hasrat di hati nak on balik FB tapi belum tiba masanya lagi kowt..
How's life?
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