
Sunday 18 September 2011

Alive and Kicking...

Rasanya dah lama tak rasa hidup macam nie skali... Fresh luar dan dalam.. Feeling motivated after done some reading, talking and soul searching... Alhamdulillah and thanks to my big Sis, Tiha, Ayuni dan Abg Zul for all their indirect help that they gave me...

So, it is a hell of weekend for me.. Dah lama tak rasa puas macam nie dan seronok giler (not bcause of the Party or Booze.. Done that but not that... Seriously... Never done the second one.. Kalau buat, mampus aku.. supervisor aku belasah dulu kowt.. he such a caring person)

Anyway.. semalam hujan lebat kat Bristol.. sebijik macam kat Malaysia.. Then teringat sesi mandi hujan kat tasik UTM... Aaaaahh... So refreshing... masih segar diingatan.. Masihkah dikau ingat??? It brings back all the memories and memoirs... Then lepas mandi hujan.. dengan basah lenjun nyer.. Jump into the bathub for my first bubble bath since ages... Relaxing, comforting and refreshing.. With the music and everything.. Just perfect.. Lepas tu head for a nice party... small but fantastic.. All the chit chat.. Never felt better..

Hari nie plak.. terjun dalam pool... Lagi la rasa fresh... a few miles than head back for big waffle breakfast.. and then need to sit down with my simulation stuff.. like my friends said... never said never and never ever say ever or giving up... bak kata orang melayu kuno... Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata.. Biarkan aku berjuang hingga titisan darah yang terakhir..

So, persetankan all the negatif mood that I had carrying.. That I had as extras luggages... Keep moving forward and never ever give up.. Give up is just a word in their dictionaries but not it yours.. Not now not ever.. InsyaAllah semangat dan momentum dah kembali.. I'm nearly there.. and going to the finish line soon.. Sooner than I expected if I keep up this way.. In which I'm going to...

InsyaAllah semoga momentum ini akan berterusan dengan niat yang satu.. hanya satu... semua ini hanya untukmu...

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