
Friday 26 August 2011

Day out - #5

Semalam pulak.. wat really cool round trip.. With family ticket walaupun pegi as two adult but we entitled to bring 3 children with us.. the cost of the ticket is 375 Dk.. The ticket valid through all the station along the way towards our destination.. So the trip suppose to be Helsingor - Malmo - Helsingor... But we end up to create a nice tour in which, Helsingor - Helsinborg - Lund - Malmo - Copenhagen - Helsingor..


Such a wonderful city but it is pretty quite and nothing much to do.. accept wondering around aimlessly in the centre while visiting the Kranan Castle.. Such a nice city too relax to.. doing nothing especially.. Paling kelakar sekali dia ade claim a tropical beach.. and all of us wanted to see what kind of beach it is.. Ya Allah, kecik giler.. dalam besar setengah padang bola dan ade 15 pokok palma.. 15 je kowt and diorg claim tropical beach... hahaha... Owh, lupe plak nak bagitau dari Helsingor ke Helsinborg naik cruise.. cm ferry ke penang tapi lagi awesome, canggih and cool.. siap ade shopping centre lagi kat dalam tu.. Best2.. skali skala rasa cm orang kaya naek cruise ape salahnyer.. nama company Scandline kalo ade sesiapa berminat nak google..


From Helsinborg to Lund.. Just by simple high speed train.. Such a short journey.. Basically Lund has nothing to offer.. just like Helsinborg... A nice city to stroll around.. But somehow.. All their city pack with interior designer stuff for the house.. and their house is super big like in Malaysia and totally different if compared to tiny wiiny houses in UK...


From Lund to Malmo it took 10 minutes by train.. super short journey.. When we arrived there.. There's a Malmo Festival.. Time to partaaaaaaaaaay.. Haha.. Macam bristol harbour festival pown ade gak.. It is a cosy city but still... without the festival.. Nothing much to see.. We just when to the choclate museum and factory and one of the chocolate maker was staying in KL for 3 years and we exchange lots of story and she just said.. it is a pity for malaysia to become really rapid towards the modernasation.. Because we don't preserve the culture there.. Yeah.. I somehow agreed with that.. But I dont have the power to change it.. and it is not in my capacity or capability.. haha.. no further comment..

Just 1 thing to remind everbody.. Don't ever take a canal tour in Malmo.. it is expensive and nothing much to see.. Kiteorg jalan ikowt sungai tu.. takde pape and bosan giler... nasib baek tak naek.. kalo tak bosan nyer hidup.. n bazir duit jer...


Saje je melawat bandar nie lagi skali.. Went to Tivoli theme park... cheap and awesome.. haha..then singgah sebentar kat hard rock cafe copenhagen.. cool.. then merayap kt Storget kowt.. name jalan tu.. ala-ala shopping district.. hehe.. such a hustle area.. Burger King dia nampak sangat menarik.. Waaa.. nak balik Malaysia makan burger king halal.. Tak pe zamir.. tak lame je lagi nie.. hehehe.. siap ar ko angus kt Msia.. ak belasah puas-puas nanti..


Back at helsingor then... the end for today...

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